Gerakan Sehat Mental Polri 2017 Goes to Palembang

It’s been a great time working as consultant for Polri in 2017. Traveling to 18 places around Indonesia. Meeting great leaders (Kapolda, Wakapolda, Kapolres, Wakapolres, Karo Kabag, Kasubag, Kanit). Thank you God for giving me a chance to share with them as well as chance to learn from these amazing people. 

These movement of mental health that we invented since 2016 (3 cities)  is successful because of Your blessing and each year it glorifies covering more and more area across the country. We are hoping to make it even bigger and better in 2018 with the support from Kapolri and all stakeholders. They say, the more the merrier, so for next year I’m planning to share my loads of work and collaborate with other expertise(s) and institutions. Give me wisdom to see and choose the best one(s). With positivism, good intention and hardwork all will result great. 

#GerakanSehatMentalPolri #Consultant #Coach #Salute #Policemen #LawEnforcers #BetterHealth #BetterMind #RevolusiMental

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